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This echo can cause disturbances to patients, adulterated test reports and a feeling of chaos in big hospitals. Soundproofing and acoustic treatment has become mandatory in hospitals and audiometry rooms to improve the quality of healthcare on a global scale. <br> MMT Acoustix® manufactures acoustic foam panels, acoustic boards and wooden acoustic panels that absorbs unwanted sounds and keep the environment peaceful. <br> MMT Acoustix® produces acoustic materials that are fume free and suitable for hospitals, clinics and audiometry roooms. <br /><br /> There are three factors you need to consider in order to achieve a good sound environment in healthcare premises.<br /> 2. Make room for recovery – keep the sound levels down.<br /> 3. Secure that the rooms support communication – focus on speech clarity Make sure that the acoustic products fulfill the hygienic demands. </div> <div class="pro_head_txt"><span style="color:#f65b08">If you achieve this, there will be many benefits for both patients and staff:</span> <br /><br /> • Lowered blood pressure<br /> • Improved quality of sleep<br /> • Reduced intake of pain medication<br /> • Improved communication<br /> • Lowered stress levels<br /> • Improved patient safety<br /><br /> Enhanced staff wellbeing, performance and job satisfaction </div> <img src="images/Acoustic-Treatment-Hospital.png " class="responsive" height="250" width="850" /> <b><h2>SoundAxe® : Wooden Acoustic Diffusers</b></h2> <p>Introducing easy to install SoundAxe® wooden acoustic diffusers. The panels is sized 595x595x25mm which consist of a 3mm high density wooden top and 22mm sound absorbing acoustic foam. The combination of grooves on the wood diffuses the sound and the hollow acoustic foam part absorbs the sound. <br>The multi function Soundaxe wooden acoustic panels is one of its kind and widely used in projects for improving sound quality . For more information about the product <a href= “”>click here </a> </p> <img src="images/sxwp.jpg" class="responsive" height="250" width="850" /> <b><h2>Acoustic Foam Panels</b></h2> <p>Acoustic foam panels are used widely to absorb sound reflections and are rated best in acoustic treatment products. The product comes in various sizes, colors and designs to suit every project’s need. The most liked design is Pyramid, Turbo and Wedge acoustic foam panel. The NRC of this product is greater than 0.90. Best for studios, home theatres, conference halls, offices etc. For more information about the product <a href= acoustic-foam-india.html>click here </a> </p> <img src="images/AFB.jpg" class="responsive" height="250" width="850" /> <b><h2>Acoustic PET Panels</b></h2> <p>MMT Acoustix® Echsorbix polyester acoustic panels are designed to absorb echo transmissions. Made from 100% polyester with flame retardant and water resistance properties, its suitable for all type of industries. Echsorbix Polyester Acoustic Panels are available in different colours and are easy to cut thus gives an aesthetic look to the interiors of the place. Easy to install & handle, efficient and a hassle free product <a href= acoustic-board-india.html>click here </a> </p> <img src="images/PET-Acoustic-Panel-mmt1.jpg " class="responsive" height="250" width="850" /> <br> </div> </div><!--about_panel end hare--> </div> </div><!--main panel end here--> <div class="soundproffing_heading">Inducing Professional Soundproofing & Acoustic Products Globally</div> <div class="soundproofing_hding_underline"></div> <div class="blank_panl"> <div class="bot_slide_1"><a href=" Soundproofing Enquiry"><img src="images/Email-us.jpg" /></a></div> <div class="bot_slide_2"><a href=""target="_blank"><img src="images/Buy-Online-acoustic-Foam.jpg" /></a></div> <div class="bot_slide_3"><a href=""><img src="images/whatsapp.jpg " /></a></div> </div> <div class="work_area"> <p style="font-size:10%;">Soundproofing treatment for hospitals & audiometry rooms, acoustic treatment for hospitals & audiometry rooms, soundproofing in hospitals & audiometry rooms, soundproofing panels for hospitals & audiometry rooms, noise control in hospitals & audiometry rooms, sound control in hospitals & audiometry rooms, noise absorber for hospitals & audiometry rooms, acoustic treatment in hospitals & audiometry rooms, Acoustic Foam for hospitals & audiometry rooms, acoustic boards for hospitals & audiometry rooms, wooden acoustic panel hospitals & audiometry rooms, </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footer_full"> <div class="container"> <div class="footer"> <div class="footer_bx"> <div class="footer_head">About</div> <div class="footer_txt"><a href="about_us.html">The Company</a></div> <div class="footer_txt"><a href="infrastucture.html">Infrastructure</a></div> <div class="footer_txt"><a href="order.html">How to Order</a></div> </div> <div class="footer_bx_1"> <div class="footer_head">Products</div> <div class="footer_txt"><a href="acoustic-foam-india.html">Acoustic Foam Panels</a></div> <div class="footer_txt"><a 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