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Mega Bass Trap Diffusers

Bass Traps Diffusers from MMT Acoustix® is one of the best products online to absorb low frequency sound waves instantly which reflects majorly from the corners. The acoustic foam based DIY Bass Traps Diffuser has a specia; cut design in the front to diffuse maximum sound and absorb the boomy bass simultaneously.

MMT Acoustix® Mega Bass Trap diffusers come in the size 2’x2’x1’ and has the centre thickness of 8.5” to control the unwanted bass. To keep the low frequencies at optimum level, this product does the perfect job. Bass Traps can be applied on all 4 corners from top to bottom or selected areas as per requirement.

High the bass, more bass trap coverage is required. Bass traps is an important product for soundproofing in music studios, nightclubs, auditoriums and multiplexes.

Buy Bass Traps Now

Product Detail
Application Industry:
Mega Bass Trap diffusers are precisely cut in 90 degrees to fit easily and absorb the low frequecies which are tough in the corners.
Centre thcikness is 9 icnhes to control heaviest bass.
The special design made on the front helps to further diffuse the bass before ots absorbed.
Made using high density Acoustic Polyurethane. NRC > 1.50, . NRC is Noise Reduction coefficient means it will absorb 150% sound it encounters
Must be used on all corners for best results.
Can be used verically or horizontally on the corners.
DIY Product & Easy to install using MMT Acoustix Spray Adhesive.
Choice and preferred product of Amateurs, Veterans and Professionals globally.
Available with Front wooden panels for better aesthetics and diffusion
Application Guide:
Apply MMT Acoustix® Spray Adhesive on the flat side of the panel.
Align the sheet/Tile where you need to apply.
Press using hands. Dries and stick Immediately
Watch Installation Video Here
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