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MMT Acoustix® products are produced using the best raw materials and machinery available in the world. Thriving on product quality, its consistency and product efficiency we always keep our infrastructure updated.
"The Machinery Is The Master Of All"
All our products are manufactured under engineer’s surveillance using the Hennecke Polyurethane Technology, Germany. Its continuous and high pressure manufacturing process evolves the acoustic and soundproofing quality of the material making it best usable for every industry.
"Output Is What You Input"
MMT Acoustix® believes in good quality products hence all our raw material are Checked and handpicked by the executives themselves. Imported from Korea, Germany and specialized parts of India, all our raw materials are blended and mixed for the best Acoustic and Soundproofing products.
We’re Here to put “X” into Acoustics
Inducing Professional Soundproofing & Acoustic Products Globally
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